
what is self-love & how to practice it every day

Self-love has become a popular term in many spheres, from fitness to psychology. We are often encouraged to love ourselves, but this concept can seem ambiguous at best and impossible at worst, especially if we’ve never seen a model of what self-love could look like.

The Importance of Self-Love

Many of us fear that loving ourselves might lead to selfishness or self-obsession, particularly in an era dominated by the cult of personality. However, self-love is not about narcissism or self-obsession. It’s about treating yourself with the same kindness, compassion, and respect that you show to others.

Defining Love and Self-Love

To start, self-love simply means to love yourself. While this concept is straightforward, defining love itself can be challenging. If we cannot define love, how can we experience it?

People often mystify love, making it seem almost impossible and unattainable. However, we need to define what love means to us in order to actually experience it. Let’s reverse-engineer it together so we can figure out what love means to you and how to apply that same principle to yourself.

To make it easier to define love, think of one person or even a pet that you love. Who comes to mind? Your mom, nephew, best friend? Your dog or cat?

How to Practice Self-Love

I invite you to think of this recipient of your love. Imagine them right in front of you. How do you know you love them? How does it feel to love them? Take a moment to feel that love in your body. Where do you feel it? It’s a wonderful sensation, isn’t it? Like a well that never runs dry, no matter how much you draw from it. Love is the only energy in the world that grows the more you use it.

What do you do to show them that you love them? Maybe it’s by feeding them and playing with them (in the case of a pet), or by buying them presents, or listening to them when they have something to say. Could you offer yourself the same courtesy?

How do you talk to them? Do you talk to yourself in the same way? Would you be as harsh to them as you sometimes are to yourself? Or would you speak to them with compassion and patience?

I invite you to offer yourself the same compassion and kindness you offer those you love. It’s that simple and that personal. More than anything, self-love is a muscle you get to train. You get to practice until it becomes so natural to you that you can do it anytime.You deserve the same love and kindness you so willingly give to others.

Remember, self-love is a journey, not a destination. It’s about consistently choosing to care for yourself, just as you would for those you cherish. By understanding and practicing self-love, you can lead a more fulfilled and balanced life. You deserve the same love and kindness you so willingly give to others (discover how self-love transforms your dating life here) Start today by identifying one small way you can show yourself kindness and make it a daily habit.

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