How to Start Practicing Pleasure-Based Dating

How to Start Practicing Pleasure-Based Dating

Let’s be honest – dating nowadays often feels like an endless chore of underwhelming swipes and lackluster connections. But at Elixr, we have a better vision—a sex-positive movement of pleasure-based dating.😉✨

Pleasure-based dating means showing up grounded in your own sexual empowerment and self-care first before seeking partners. It’s about cultivating sensual confidence solo so you already show up filled-to-the-brim without needing someone else to activate or fulfill you.

When you date from a place of embodied pleasure, you create space for conscious connections to unfold effortlessly.

Here’s how to start practicing pleasure-based dating:

Awaken Your Sensuality Through Solo Play

Carve out daily time for self-love sessions like tantalizing touch, ecstatic movement, or meditation. As you try new touch and movement forms, tune into all the sensations showing up. Notice what arousal feels like arising without friction or stimulation first.  Observe areas craving nurture through your own loving contact. See what emerges by moving just to feel juicy in your own skin. By solely focusing inward, you lay the foundation to receive loving partners from a place of wholeness. (Here are 5 ways to unlock your solo sensuality!)

Get Crystal Clear on Your Own Desires and Boundaries

Take time free of judgment to discover your secret turn-ons, forbidden fantasies, and intimacy preferences. Understanding these allows you to advocate needs and set boundaries unapologetically. Those practicing regular solo erotic inquiry enjoy more agency, safety, and meaning in partner connections down the line.

Vibe High Independently First

Approach dating from an energy of curiosity, playfulness, and sensual empowerment cultivated through your solo practices. Let partners complement rather than complete you. When you rely on yourself for pleasure, relationships gain freedom.

The bottom line? You are ALREADY whole, hot, and abundant in pleasure solo – but remembering this DAILY through self-pleasure rituals manifests partnerships effortlessly. 👌❤️

Ready to commit to more pleasure-based dating? We’ll support you every step of the way!

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